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Advertisement for Medical Remedies
Advertisement for La Creole ADVERTISEMENT FOR GRAY HAIRS: “La Creole” will restore those gray hairs. “La Creole” Hair restorer is a perfect dressing and restorer. Price $1.00 [Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., La Creole will restore those gray hairs Advertisement for McGee’s Baby Elixier Guaranteed to Cure McGee’s baby elixir makes less babies fat. Sick babies ...

Blood Poison Advertisement
P with P BLOOD POISON: May mean “Poisoned with Potash.” this is the case with hundreds who have been unwise enough to take Sarsaparillas, Potash mixtures, etc., until digestion is almost fatally impaired. Swift’s Specific is a vegetable remedy, and restores the system to health and builds up the waste made by these ...

Boots, Baking Powder and Fans
Boots E. J. Mariner, Late of Tipton co., Tenn.; J. H. Curtis, Formerly with Foster & Alexander; Mariner & Curtis, Wholesale and retail dealers in BOOTS, Shoes and Hats, c. 219 Main Street, Under the Worsham House, Memphis, Tenn.

Electric Belt, Clothing, Seeds and Shotguns
Sears, Roebuck and Company Electric Belt Free Electric Belt Offer with ten day’s free wearing trial in your own home, we furnish the genuine and only HEIDELBERG ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC BELTS to any reader of this paper. No money is advance; very low cost; positive guarantee. COSTS ALMOST NOTHING compared with most all other treatments. Cures ...

Marriage Guide Advertisement
MARRIAGE GUIDE: 50 Pages. Illustrated in cloth and gilt binding 50c money or postage, same paper covers 25c. This book contains all the curious, doubtful or inquisitive want to know, large editions, 10,000 each, sold every few mos. Health, Beauty, Happiness, are promoted by its advice – who many marry, who not, ...

McLister Bros.’ Kennels
Catalogue and Price List McLister Bros Kennels Coon Hounds, Combination Hunters and Rabbit Hounds Sent anywhere on trail, purchaser to be judge of dog’s quality McLISTER BROS ., Brighton, Tennessee T. D. McLISTER C. D. McLISTER L. F. McLISTER Gentlemen – We would like for you to read every word of this catalogue carefully before sending us your order, ...

More Advertisements for Medical Remedies
Paine’s Celery Compound Medical Advertisements – Paine’s Celery Compound “I have been greatly afflicted with acute rheumatism, and could find no relief until I used Paine’s Celery Compound. After using six bottles of this medicine I am now cured of rheumatic troubles.” –Samuel Hutchinson, So. Cornish, N. H. Effects Lasting Cures. Paine’s Celery Compound ...
Old Advertisements #1
Old Advertisements #1 from West Tennessee Newspapers Dr. Duncan’s Household Necessities Dr. Duncan’s Household Necessities. Do not Fail to Keep Them in Your House.DUNCAN’S STOMACH BITTERS, A mild and delightful invigorantDUNCAN’S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, will cure all pains that man is subject toDUNCAN’S COUGH SYRUP, is a certain cure for affections of the Lungs and ThroatDUNCAN’S WORM SYRUP, ...
Old Advertisements #2
Old Advertisements #2 from West Tennessee Newspapers Absolute Security Carter’s Little Liver Pills Absolute Security – Genuine Carter’s Little Liver Pills – Must Bear Signature of Brent Good – See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy to take as sugar. Carter’s Little Liver Pills for headache, for dizziness, for biliousness, for torpid liver, for constipation, for sallow ...
Old Advertisements #3
Old Advertisements #3 from West Tennessee Newspapers How Two Beautiful Women Escaped Dread Catarrh by Use of PE-RE-NA Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty. Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful. Miss Amanda Johnson, Fairchild, Wis., writes: I write to tell you how much Peruna benefited me. For a number of years I had pain in my ...
Old Advertisements #4
Old Advertisements #4 from West Tennessee Newspapers Kendall’s Spavin Cure Kendall’s Spavin Cure Quack Remedies #1: Going for Kendall’s Spavin Cure. The most successful Remedy ever discovered aits is certain in its effects and does not blistre. Read Proof below. St. Charles, Ark., August 23, 1883, B. J. Kendall & Co., –Gents: –I take pleasure in ...

Two Train Advertisement and an Insurance Advertisement
Below are train advertisements and an insurance advertisement clipped from The Milan Exchange and Bolivar Bulletin. No Change of CarsMemphis to Texas One of the great advantages of going to Texas via the Cotton Belt is that you avoid the annoyances and discomforts of changing cars, necessary on other routes. The Cotton Belt trains are the only ones ...