Wednesday, May 20, 1959
(intermittent entries from Mary Nichols’ Diary) – Seems hard for me with lots of nurse (?) and all to write so, I am taking advantage of it all. Maybe again tomorrow night they will go again. Margaret took me to see Miss. Sallie. She is sitting up and doing fine – I’m so glad – no better woman ever lived. The night was never too bad or dark for her to help a person in need of her when she could go. So that’s just wonderful. We need more good and unselfish people like her in our world. Then people would show each other more respect and understanding. I’m glad I can say never once in my life have I ever tired to hurt anyone if I ever did, I sure never meant to. God is so good. Good night.
Wednesday, June 3, 1959
Went to Memphis with Giles and Harrolee Starnes, who are our friends here in Munford since we moved here 22 years ago from Memphis, July 7. Harrolee had her foot operated on and was going to get it dressed and her hair fixed. I went by Cossitt Library and went to reference department and asked for Hinds Diary – which was given me to read only in reading room and could not be carried out of building. I had only a short time to stay, but I read enough to know it was the diary of my great grandfather Dr. Josiah Hinds and I plan to go again and read again of him.
Saturday, June 6, 1959
Norris and Nancy came home from Knoxville for a week’s visit. Its wonderful to have your children come home. You two looked well and Snoopy (the cat). As you of course know, all ready had a good time too. Betty Sue and her three boys came home to visit Norris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obie Gross so Norris could be with all his family, all our family were home, except Frances and Lake and Glenda. Mark came up from Shreveport, La to take Betty and children home.
June 3, 1960 – Norris and Nancy come home from Knoxville after exams and next morning left Memphis with Margaret for Houston, Texas. They were driving in a new Comet car.
Thursday, May 21, 1959 [Mary Nichols marked out year and wrote 1963]
Went to Elbert Jr.’s house to stay with Marilyn and Nancy Carol while Jr. and Lake went by plane to New York to attend an insurance convention, Jr. won trip with all expenses pad by selling a big amount of insurance.
I stayed in Memphis so that they could go to school, Jim and Janet stayed with their other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Heath at Rector Ark. Friday after school Marilyn and Nancy C. came out to Munford with me and we went to church and later Sunday, we met the plane after stopping at the zoo for a look at the animals which I do enjoy too.
The plane was more than one hour late, after having engine trouble at Washington, DC. Your dad enjoyed his visit at the zoo by just staying close to the monkeys, they really put on some shows all on their own.
Monday, May 18, 1959 [ Mary Nichols marked out date and wrote Sat. August 24, ’63, 3:30 pm]
Well dear Nancy a few years have slipped by since I started to try to tell you so much. I’d so like to tell you but all kinds of things have come along. Jeff was born 13th April 1962. I went up there to try to help you get started with your first, I’ll admin, I felt I’d nearly started over again too.
Last Saturday, I was at your house and we had a nice short visit there. M and Tom took me in car, they ask your dad but as you know he just rather stay home then go and stay but a short time. It was good to see you, Jeff and Norris and share our time with your sister Frances, Lake and Glenda. Had recent (?) letter from her today, they are visiting in Jacksonville, Fla, Jim, David’s parents, taking Glenda for a visit till Jim goes to dental school soon.
Jeff is a wonderful boy and I know you are proud of him and you all are good parents.
Tuesday, May 19, 1959 [ Mary Nichols marked out date and wrote Feb 21, 1964]
It’s now 9:45 pm Friday night and tomorrow is George W’s birthday and Marilyn Nichols too.
Your dad, Margaret and Tom went with Richard, Helen and Laura Lee to Ripley to see Munford play Brownsville, who beat Somerville last night and Covington plays Brighton so the winners play in finals tomorrow night in Boy’s basketball district tournament.
I stayed here last night and tonight but it was fine. I like to be quiet and am thinking of you all and so much other things that memories bring back.
Jeff will be 2 years old 13 of April and in May we have another sweet baby.