Friday, July 3, 1959
(intermittent entries from Mary Frances Nichols’ Diary) – Margaret, Steve, your dad and I went fishing at Williams’ lake at Mason. We had a real nice day a the lake.
Sunday, July 5, 1959
3 years ago today had left breast removed at Baptist Hospital. [Grandmother had breast cancer.]
Monday, July 6, 1959
Richard and I went to Hinds Chapel today.
Tuesday, July 7, 1959
Moved to Munford from Memphis 22 years ago today. Nancy would be 6 months old on 16 July. She is now 22. Her birthday (Jan 16, 1959). Time goes on – I’ll write about this more. I have some space I must fill in before I write this…
Thursday, July 16, 1959
Sat. 7 o’clock am Walter P., my brother, left from Grand Central Station, by train for Quincy, Ill after a visit of 30 days, which we all enjoyed. Frances and family came too, just after 4th July and spent a week which was far too short.
[I left out section as it was intended for immediate family.]
Friday, July 17, 1959
[I left out section as it was intended for immediate family.]
Sunday, July 26, 1959
45 years ago today at 2:30 am, Mary Frances, our first baby, arrived.
Saturday, August 1, 1959
Eddy Waxler married Barbara Klenk tonight at Millington.
Sunday, August 2, 1959
Beverly Fletcher and Jimmy Smith were married at 6 pm.
Margaret and Tom [not sure what this is… Mom and Dad were married in June.]
Friday, August 14, 1959
Elbert and Ladye Frances, Nancy C., Jim and Janet came by for your dad and I to go with them to Reelfoot Lake for the day. We were supposed to be ready by 8 am and they arrived by 10. That as you know is a standing joke that they very seldom arrive on time. We didn’t ask why – it started raining and we ran into showers, all the way up there – some spots were dry, while others were really wet. We went to Tiptonville and turned right. I believe it was Route 21 and drove to Sambury and back to Boyettes, one of the places that feed found (?) style along the Lake shore. had a nice day there and enjoyed it lots.