Tuesday, September 15, 1959
(intermittent entries from Mary Frances Nichols’ Diary) – Today papa would be 106 yrs old. He was born Sept. 15, 1853.
Wednesday, October 21, 1959
Helen’s Birthday
Monday, November 2, 1959
Walter Piercy had hernia operation at VA Hospital, Iorna City, Tenn. (?) Read a telegram from him about 3 pm, saying that he had operation and was fine.
Wednesday, November 4, 1959
Bryan Nichols is 6 yrs old today.
Monday, December 7, 1959
Today our youngest son, Richard, is 36 years old – born Dec. 7, 1923.
Tuesday, December 22, 1959
Margaret, our 2nd daughter, 25 yrs old today, born 1934.
Wednesday, December 23, 1959
Walter Piercy, my brother, is 61 today – born Dec 23, 1898.
This is the end of my grandmother’s diary. I am so thankful and blessed to have all of this information about my family. I’ve enjoyed seeing things through my grandmother’s eyes… I never knew grandmother as she died before I was born but I’ve heard many wonderful things about her. I can see through the stories and experiences that she shared in this diary that they were true. I’m very happy to know her faith was strong.
I should also say a word of thanks to my Aunt Nannie, who just recently passed, for having grandmother write this diary. I feel like I know more about how Nannie, my mother, my grandmother and all the aunts and uncles grew up. They all had a special and loving mother with a kind heart.