Old Advertisements #2 from West Tennessee Newspapers
Absolute Security Carter’s Little Liver Pills
Absolute Security – Genuine Carter’s Little Liver Pills – Must Bear Signature of Brent Good – See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below.
Very small and as easy to take as sugar.
Carter’s Little Liver Pills for headache, for dizziness, for biliousness, for torpid liver, for constipation, for sallow skin, for the complexion. Genuine; must have signature; purley vegetable; Price 25 cents; Cure sick headache.
Bolivar Bulletin, 13 Mar 1903, Fri
Carter’s Little Liver Pills
Very small and as easy to take as sugar.
Carter’s Little Liver Pills for headache, for dizziness, for biliousness, for torpid liver, for constipation, for sallow skin, for the complexion. Genuine; must have signature; purley vegetable; Price 25 cents; Cure sick headache.
Bolivar Bulletin, 13 Mar 1903, Fri
Campbell House
Campbell House
Covington, Tenn.
Mrs. M. D. Campbell, – Proprietress
Polite servants, moderate charges, good fare and comfortable rooms Porters meet passenger trains. A first-class bar adjoins the hotel, where the finest wines, liquors and cigars can always be found.
Bolivar Bulletin, 29 Mar 1889, Fri
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
The best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Savage & Emerson.
Bolivar Bulletin, 22 Mar 1889, Fri
Brunswick Phonographs and Records Good Music at Home Brings Hearts Close Together Buy a Brunswick and be assured that your children will form an appreciation of really good music – a constant source of culture and wholesome pleasure all their lives.
There must be some sound reason why so many leading musicians in both Europe and America have Brunswicks in their own homes.
A few of the late recordings listed below.
- 2274 75c Isham Jones Orchestra – Some Sunny Day – Fox Trot; Don’t Bring Me Posles – Fox Trot
- 2244 75c Isham Jones Orchestra – Samson and Delilah – Fox Trot; Pilgrims’ Blues – Fox Trot
- 2249 75c Selvin’s Orchestra – Angel Child – Fox Trot; Lola Lo – Fox Trot
- 2264 75c Al Bernard With Carl Fenton’s Orchestra – I’ve Got the Wonder Where He Went When He’s Coming Back Blues – Tenor; Who Tied the Can on the Old Dog’s Tail – Tenor
Exclusive Representative Brunswick Phonographs and Records
305 Fifth Avenue, North.
The Tennessean, 2 Jul 1922, Sun
Old Advertisements – The Tennessean, 2 Jul 1922, Sun
Brown’s Iron Bitters
BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physicians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.
Old Advertisements – Bolivar Bulletin 29 Mar 1889, Fri
Bonny Blue Coal
When I was young an’ frivilis I was crazy for a flame name Cole, but speeriance done teached me dat the longest, hotest flame is Bonny Blue COAL PEOPLES COAL CO. “We Sell Good Coals” Church at I. C. Railroad Phone 76
Old Advertisements – The Jackson Sun, 10 Mar 1937, Wed
WORMS. Children suffering from these destructable parasytes can’t be relieved by so-called worm lozengers which only tickle the palate. The time-tried tested cure is B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. As you value the life of your child, don’t wait until spasms and incurable sickness seize it, but get this reliable remedy at once; it never fails.
Old Advertisements – Bolivar Bulletin 29 Mar 1889, Fri
B. A. Fahnestocks Vermifuge
B. A. Fahnestocks Vermifuge: DON’T RUN THE RISK of losing your child by permitting Worms to work out its destruction. When a child fails to sleep well, is restless, unnatural in its appetite and grinds its teeth, you have strong indications of Worms; the positive cure for this is B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge. Ask your druggist for it. Its timely use may save your child from its grave.
Old Advertisements #2 – Bolivar Bulletin 22 Mar 1889, Fri
White’s Cream
White’s Cream Vermifuge was used by many of our pioneers. They were in business for over twenty years and they were one of the leading sellers of worm remedies.
For 20 years White’s Cream has led all worm remedies. Sold by all druggists. Prepared by James F. Ballard, St. Louis For sale by W. J. Cox.
Get rid of WORMS with White’s Cream!
White’s Cream Vermifuge!
Most in Quantity — Best in Quality
Old Advertisements #2 – Bolivar Bulletin, 11 Jan 1901, Fri
Dr Sanford’s Liver Invigorator
To have health the liver must be in order. Dr. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator is a reliable remedy for liver complaints and ills caused by a deranged or torpid condition of the liver. Such illnesses as:
- Dyspepsta
- Constipation
- Biliousness
- jaundice
- Headache
- Malaria
- Rheumatisim
It regulates the bowls, purifies the blood, strengthens the system, and assists digestion. An invaluable family medicine.
Thousands of testimonials prove its merit. Any druggist will tell you its reputation!
Memphis Daily Appeal, 29 Sep, 1885, Tues