Hon. C B Simonton deserves great credit for the sincere and active support he rendered Casey Young. Unlike some defeated candidates, who retire from a convention in disgust and take no further interest in the canvass, Mr. Simonton took the stump in favor of his successful competitor and made his influence felt. He made his last speech at Atoka, in the district where he was born and raised, and we notice that Casey Young ran ahead of Gen. Bate, at that precinct. Mr. Simonton deserves great credit and the thanks of every Democrat in the district for his manly and patriotic course. He is a young man of high promise and should he ever desire to reenter politics he would come before the people with many advantages in his favor.
[ C B Simonton Deserves Great Credit | Public Ledger, Memphis, Tenn., November 8, 1882]
Hon. C. B. Simonton Deserves Great Credit
Hon. C B Simonton made hosts of friends during his canvass for Congress, and many of Young’s friends wished that there were two Congress men to elect, instead of one. Mr. Simonton and his noble friends won the hearts of all Young’s supporters and will be held as the dearest and best of friends.