Sears, Roebuck and Company
Free Electric Belt Offer with ten day’s free wearing trial in your own home, we furnish the genuine and only HEIDELBERG ALTERNATING CURRENT ELECTRIC BELTS to any reader of this paper. No money is advance; very low cost; positive guarantee. COSTS ALMOST NOTHING compared with most all other treatments. Cures when all other electric belts, appliances and remedies fail. QUICK CURE for more than 50 ailments. ONLY SURE CURE for all nervous diseases, weaknesses and disorders. For complete catalogue, cut this ad. out and mail to us.
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., January 4, 1901]
Towers Fish Brand Waterproof Clothing
Don’t Get Wet
Above all others
Towers Fish Brand Waterproof Oiled Clothing
The highest standard of quality for more than half a century.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., March 11, 1904]
Salzers Seeds
Salzer’s Seeds will make you RICH! Bromus Inermis, Greatest permanant grass of the century.
Nothing like it on earth to-day that we know of and we have scoured the world over to find its equal. Grows where all others kill and burn up from excessive heat and lack of sufficient moisture. Grows where all others winter kill and freeze out. 3 to 7 tons of magnificent hay per acre and lots of pasturage besides.
$1.20 and up a Barrel. Largest potato and vegetable growers. Choicest, rarest, heaviest yielding stock. Catalogue Tells.
For 10 Cents and this notice our big catalogue will be mailed you free, together with 10 sample packages of the 80 bu. Speltz Wonder the 40c Spring Wheat, the Billion Dollar Grass with its 12 tons of hay per acre, the Peaoat – a startling food, the Victorian Rape Marvel, the astonishing 250 bushel per acre, Oats, etc. In all 10 packages fully worth $10 to get a start for 10c in stamps. Bond to-day.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., February 8, 1901]
Winchester Shotguns
FREE Our 160 illustrated catalogue. FREE
Winchester Shotuns and factory loaded shotgun shells the winning combination in the field or at the trap. All dealers sell them. Winchester Repeating Arms Co., 180 Winchester Ave., New Haven, Conn.
Winchester Factory loaded shotgun shells, “New Rival,” “Leader,” and “Repeater”. A trial will prove their superiority.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., January 4, 1901]