30 AUGUST 1839 : Memphis Enquirer
Jailor’s Notice 1839 – COMMITTED to the jail of Tipton county, Tenn., on the 31st day of July, 1839, a negro man, who says his name is WILL and belongs to Abner M’Millan, of Dallas county, Ala. Will is very black, about 50 years old, 5 feet 3 1/2 inches high, has a notch in his right ear which he says was occasioned by a bite, the toe on his left foot next to his small toe is shorter than the one on his right foot, small holes on his nose somewhat resembling pock marks, two of his upper fore teeth out, and a good many of his jaw teeth. The owner is requested to come, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs.
Aug. 6, 1839
[Memphis Enquirer, Memphis, Tenn., August 6, 1839]
June 28, 1839
Jailor’s Notice – PORTER WAS committed to the jail of Tipton county, Ten., on the 21st day of June, 1839, a negro man who says his name is PORTER, and belongs to Thomas Coleman of Holly Springs, Miss. Porter is a mulatto negro, about 18 or 20 years old, 5 feet 11 1/2 inches high; had on when committed, white cotton pantaloons and roundabout. The owner is requested to come, bring proof, prove his property, pay all charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs.
June 28, 1839
[28 JUNE 1839 : Memphis Enquirer]
June 21, 1839
Jailor’s Notice: COMMITTED to the jail of Tipton county, Tenn., on the 19th day of April, 1839, a negro man, who says his name is MANUEL, and belongs to Lewis Wood of Logan county, Ky. Manuel is a black negro about 35 years old, 5 foot 8 1/2 inches high; had with him when apprehended, a paper purporting to be a pass, to pass and repass in any slave State in all creation, unmolested, until the first day of October next, unless he should not be found on his way home, &c. – Signed Lewis Wood, Logan county, Ky, Feb. 1, 1839. The owners is requested to come, bring proof, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs.
Since Manuel was committed he says that he belongs to Thomas Bradley, living sixteen miles below Holly Springs.
June 21
[21 JUNE 1839 : Memphis Enquirer]
March 1, 1839
Jailor’s Notice: DIANA WAS committed to the jail of Tipton county, Ten., on the [illegible] day of Jan., 1839, a negro woman who says her name is DIANA, says she is free, about 27 years old, middle size, not very black, large nose. She says she was raised in Green county, Virginia, says she was cook on board Capt. Ewen’s boat for some time. The owner is requested to come, bring proof, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be dealt with as the law directs.
[1 MARCH 1839 : Memphis Enquirer]
July 26, 1839
Jailor’s Notice: COMMITTED to the jail of Tipton county, Tenn., on the 12th day of July, 1839, a negro man who says his name is CATO, and belongs to Edward Richman, Miss. Cato is a black negro, about 30 years old, 5 feet 5 inches high; round face, large whiskers; he has a scar near his left eye, also one on his throat about 3 inches long, which he says was occasioned by a knife. The owner is requested to come, bring proof, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs.
Covington, July 19
[26 JULY 1839 : Memphis Enquirer]