Municipal Primary Will Be Held On October 21.
CANDIDATES QUALIFY | COVINGTON, Tenn., Oct. 7. – The following candidates for the nomination for the municipal offices, designated, have qualified to make the race in the municipal primary, to be held in Covington October 21.
Mayor, M. A. Walker and J. J. Green; recorder, J. E. Palmer and E. S. Bringle; city marshal, J. T. Scott; assistant marshal, J. O. Hadley and W. C. Dumas.
The following candidates for aldermen have been qualified by petition: T. C. Howard, E. W. Bringle, J. Anthony Shelton, W. R. Gift, C. B. Simonton and W. A. Barrett, William Boyd, Dr. T. B. Gassaway, W. T. Hamilton, R. K. McBride, E. H. McFadden and Roy Boyd. For city board of education, Geo. A. Girdner, B. S. Jamison, E. L. Worrell, E. H. McFadden, Alison Simonton and J. J. Miller.
City Democratic executive committee: Mrs. W. V. Bringle, Mrs. William Lowenhaupt, W. A. Shoaf, Jr., Dr. L. J. Lindsey and W. C. Tipton.
Under the rules of the primary, any candidate, placed in nomination by petition or otherwise, who desires to have his name withdrawn must do so by filing written request for withdrawing his name on or before October 9, with the Hon. William A. Shoaf, Jr., secretary of the city Democratic executive committee; otherwise his name will appear on the primary ballot.
[ Candidates Qualify; The Commercial Appeal; Memphis, TN; 8 Oct 1924; Pg 6]