Good Things for the Table 7 Jan 1916: The tough ends of steaks are a problem with housekeepers. Here is one way of saving them. Chop rather coarsely, cook in a little butter, dredge with flour, add seasonings and cream, with baked potatoes.
Codfish Puffs. – Mix codfish and mashed potatoes as for codfish balls, place in a buttered baking dish, brush with the white of an egg and brown in a hot oven. Serve from the dish in which it was baked.
Carrots are good cooked until tender, then mashed and seasoned with a little lemon juice and rind, using plenty of butter and a few dashes of cayenne. Serve garnished with parsley.
Any leftover cake may be steamed and served with a cold or hot custard, making a nice , simple and easily prepared dessert.
Queen Pudding – Heat three-quarters of a cupful of milk, add the beaten yolks of three eggs, three tablespoonfuls of sugar and three tablespoonfuls of chopped raisins. Add two teaspoonfuls of gelatin to a half cupful of hot water and add to the first mixture. While still warm add the beaten whites of the eggs, flavor with vanilla and put into a mold. Serve with cream.
Nut Cream Pie. – In a double boiler cook a cupful of milk with a cupful of sugar. Add the yolks of three eggs and a tablespoon of flour, then the juice of a lemon and half a cupful of peacan [sic] nut meats, chopped. Bake a single crust and pour in the nut filling; cover the top with a meringue made of the whites of the eggs. Brown and serve cold.
Orange Preserve. – Wash oranges and cut them in slices a fourth of an inch thick, cover with cold water, a pint to each orange, and let them stand 24 hours. Cook them in the water until tender but not soft, add one pound of sugar and the juice of a lemon for each orange. Cook until transparent. Place in glasses and cover with paraffin. A slice of this preserve with a little of the sirup [sic] makes plain ice cream appear very stylish.