Below are train advertisements and an insurance advertisement clipped from The Milan Exchange and Bolivar Bulletin.
No Change of Cars
Memphis to Texas
One of the great advantages of going to Texas via the Cotton Belt is that you avoid the annoyances and discomforts of changing cars, necessary on other routes.
The Cotton Belt trains are the only ones that run through from Memphis to Texas without change.
These trains carry Pullman Sleepers at night. Parlor Cafe Cars during the day, and Through Coaches and Free Reclining Chair Cars both day and night. The service compares favorably with that of any road in the country.
Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave and we will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. We will also send you an interesting little booklet, “A Trip to Texas”.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., January 25, 1901]
The Shortest Route to Texas
One reason why travelers to Texas go via the Cotton Belt is, that the Cotton Belt is from 25 to 100 miles shorter than other routes. This saving in distance makes a corresponding saving in time.
These trains carry Pullman Sleepers at night. Parlor Cafe Cars during the day, and Through Coaches and Free Reclining Chair Cars both day and night. The service compares favorably with that of any road in the country.
Write and tell us where you are going and when you will leave and we will tell you what your ticket will cost and what train to take to make the best time and connections. We will also send you an interesting little booklet, “A Trip to Texas”.
[Bolivar Bulletin, Bolivar, Tenn., January 11, 1901]
Insurance Advertisement
Insure yourself against accidents and Death and your property against fire!
Only first-Class Companies Represented.
Apply at the exchange office.
[The Milan Exchange, Milan, Tenn., July 5, 1884]