Parents of John Adams
John Adams, a prosperous, energetic farmer of Tipton County, was born in Chester County, S. C., December 25, 1817. His parents were Samuel and Mary (Park) Adams, who were both natives of Ireland. The father was born in 1781 and died in 1807. The mother was born in 1791, and died in 1863. In early life they came to America, landing at Charleston, S. C., and located in Chester County, S. C., but a few years later moved to Tipton County. Tenn., and settled ten miles south of Covington, where they lived the rest of their lives. The father was a most successful farmer.
Life of John Adams
John Adams, by his own perseverance and application secured a good education in his youth, and at an early age commenced farming. In 1840 he went to Louisiana, and settled on Red River near the Arkansas line; five years later he moved to Tipton County, and settled in the Seventh District, ten miles south of Covington, near his father’s place. In 1800 he moved to Richardson’s Landing, on the Mississippi River, but at the end of four years moved back to Tipton County, to his present home in the Sixth District, twenty miles southwest of Covington.
Mr. Adams has been married twice, first to Mrs. Amanda (Lamb) Densford, who was born in Tipton County in 1810. Mrs. Adams died July 5, 1800, and July 20, 1871, he married Miss Virginia L. Mathews, born in Shelby County, Tenn., in 1847. No children have been born to this marriage.
Mr. Adams has possessed more than ordinary energy; having commenced life a poor boy; by his close application to business and clear judgment he has acquired a handsome property, now owning 750 acres of valuable land in Tipton County, and a good cotton-gin, and during the past few years has been raising fine stock, especially fine horses.
Mr. Adams never fails to give his enthusiastic support to the Democratic party. He is a consistent member of the Associated Reform Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. Adams is a worthy member of the Baptist Church.
[Goodspeed’s History of Tennessee (1887)]
John Adams was born on December 25, 1817, in Chester County, South Carolina, and died on March 12, 1891, at the age of 73. He is buried in Salem Associate Reformed Presbyterian Cemetery in Salem, Tennessee.