Major Hinton Alston, Sr was born on January 20, 1869, in Tipton County, Tennessee. His father was Ruffin, and he was 35 when Hinton was born. His mother, Mary, was 29.
In 1900, he married Miss. Henrietta D. During their marriage, they had ten children. They are Philip, Major Hinton Jr., Louvinia, Elizabeth L, Raymond, Gertrude, William, Julia, Burton and Elmore.
Hinton Alston lived in Tennessee when the state turned one hundredth years old. In 1897, Tennessee celebrated its 100th birthday in Nashville with a fair that drew close to two million people! Another current event for Hinton was the discovery of a large fossilized dinosaur. Like many others in his time, he heard, through newspaper reports, that Dr. Barnum Brown uncovered T-Rex bones. This was a large find and highly publicized.
In the 1940 U. S. Federal Census, Hinton had moved to Evansville, Indiana. His mother passed in 1930 so he probably moved from Tipton County shortly after her death. He remained in Evansville until his death on February 20, 1947. Hinton was 78 years old at the time of his death. He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Evansville.