The Appeal
September 27, 1878
Mr. Charles Glover Fisher | chairman of the Citizens Relief Committee, died and was buried yesterday September 26, 1878. He had been sick of the fever only a few days, but having overtaxed himself in his efforts to keep up with all the demands upon his time, he had but little of his native vigor left with which to contend with so violent an enemy. His death was not any more the result of the yellow fever than of overwork. The position he occupied was one of more than ordinary care and responsibility, which, under brighter auspices, would task a very strong man to the uttermost. He might be said literally to be on duty every hour of the twenty-four, for though he had office hours, much of his business was transacted upon the streets, at his homne, by the sick-bed, perhaps, of a friend, or whever else the needy or the friends of the sick might find him. Kind and gentle, he was also firm and unswerving in the performance of his duty. He felt that to him and his associates the people of the whole country had given a sacred trust, the administration of which required more than ordinary care. He, therefore, scanned narrowly all claims for relief, and impressed on all about him the duty of so apportioning the money and food sent to us by the good people of all the States as to make their charity a beneficence and not a means of encouraging idleness. In this he succeeded only partially, but failure was due to circumstances he could not overcome, and which the citizens, though they have resolved time and again, have not yet been able to overcome. He was faithful to his trust, and zealous in the discharge of his duties. He was also energetic in behalf of the sick as well as suffering. His house was a home for many who were there nursed and safely through the fever, and some who died, notwithstanding the greatest care. To them all he was full of consideration and kindness. He gave them what he could of his time, and nursed them to the neglect of himself. He was always equal to the occasion, equal to the demands made upon him, and proved himself throught the epidemic a hero of heroic mold. Mr. Fisher was a member of one of our principal cotton firms, and had, with his partner, Mr. William Gage, built up a business within the past ten years that ranked second to that of no other house in the city. He was popular popular with the people, and was elected to represent the sixth ward in the Board of Councilmen for several terms. He was a native of Tipton County, a son of Dr. Fisher, of Covington, and served throughout the war in the Confederate army, making for himself a name as a brave soldier only second to that which he made within the past few weeks for a moral heroism and courage that crowned his life with martyrdom.
[Memphis Daily Appeal, Memphis, Tenn., September 27, 1878, Pg 1]
The Death of a Hero – Memphis Avalanche, Sept. 27.
Charles G. Fisher died yesterday morning at 7 o’clock. One of the purest and bravest men who ever lived fell then. His kind, firm face was a beacon light to all the sad hearts in our doomed city. Utterly unselfish, he gave his life that others might live. As Chairman of the Citizens’ Relief Committee from the beginning of the great plague, Fisher was of infinite service to our poor, sick, destitute and dying people. He was the one man to whom the suffering could go for relief as to a father. To his grief-stricken family no poor words that we could offer will be consolation. In the Memphis of to-day his place cannot be filled. To the world at large his life and death illustrates that heroism which will never die.
[Poplar Bluff Citizen. October 11, 1878]
Family of Isaac Fisher
- Father: Isaac Fisher (1763-1848)
- Mother: Elizabeth Glover Fisher (1768-1831)
- Jacob Fisher (1791-1871)
- Susan Fisher Chase (1797-1864)
- Dr. Charles G. Fisher (1800-1879) m. Elizabeth Virginia Dussham (1810-1886)
- George Hockley Fisher (1827-1903)
- William Dunham Fisher (1828-1864)
- Charles Glover Fisher, Jr (1837-1878) m. 9 Dec 1968 Martha Washington Smith (1850-1888)
- Ashley William Fisher, Sr (1871-1928) m. 12 Apr 1894 Elizabeth Newell Exum (1878-1934)
- Ashley William Fisher, Jr (1895-1968)
- Charles Glover Fisher (1898-1964)
- Ashley William Fisher, Sr (1871-1928) m. 12 Apr 1894 Elizabeth Newell Exum (1878-1934)
- Philip Alston Fisher (1838-1898) m. Catherine Posey “Kate” Ridgway (1847-1906)
- Drury A Fisher (1867-1920)
- Fannie Fisher (b. 1872)
- Virgie Fisher Williford (1876-1937)
- Katherine Alston Terrell (1881-1923)
- Phillip Allen Fisher (1885-1949)